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This is a blog about my fitness journey. Stats: 5'5" 202lbs 40% body fat. Goals: 5'8" (that can happen right?) 160lbs 25% body fat in May 2011.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Looking back to look forward

It's important to know where I've been to know where I'm going.

Right now I'm browsing photos from the last year with my friends. I am shocked at how big I am/was. I guess I always managed not to notice. I have a lot of confidence, and I never lacked attention (positive or negative, that's still up for debate), but I think I also had blinders on. I'm glad that I, at the very least, feel fitter, even if I haven't lost much weight yet.

I also have realized that I am not on track to meet my goal in the time that I had hoped. So I'm kicking my game up a notch. SP's nutrition tracker is really helping me hold myself accountable for what I'm eating and today I didn't even get to goal. I know that's not the idea and I don't plan to continue not eating enough calories, but I am relieved to know that I can get through the day without gorging myself and also without being hungry or mindlessly eating.

I think things are looking up.

1 comment:

  1. The biggest thing I remember when I've lost my motivation at working out is to stop trying to get a smaller number and concentrate on how much working out makes me feel GOOD. I physically feel better after a good work out.

    I'm proud of you for stepping up, it's so hard to change lifestyle when we're buried in our habits. It's also so hard when our society forces unhealthy thinness as our marker for beauty. How can we ever live up to the women we see when they are at weights we haven't seen since middle school?

    Bottom line. Beauty or self worth doesn't come from a number. You are beautiful and worthy of everything fantastic, just the way you are.

    Proud of you.
