About Me

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This is a blog about my fitness journey. Stats: 5'5" 202lbs 40% body fat. Goals: 5'8" (that can happen right?) 160lbs 25% body fat in May 2011.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Measurements August 2010

I had my measurements again yesterday. I'm officially down a full 10 pounds, 6% body fat, and I think I've lost close to 10 inches as well overall.

I'm very proud of myself right now and enjoying everything right now. I've been sick all week so I haven't been in the gym but I had a great session with Tarryn of United Body Fitness in Flagstaff yesterday and am so sore today, and I love it. My biggest motivation right now is a certain trip I'm going on in December. I want to see jaws drop :) I think it's highly possible.

I'm attaching a recent photo from the gym. Forgive the horrible work out clothes, but please note the smaller arms, legs and tummy :)


  1. GO TONYA!!!!! You are looking AMAZING!!! So in awe by you and your accomplishments :o) :o) :o)
    - Kelli @~>~~

  2. Go Tonya, you're a great motivation to everyone else. I definitely feel more motivated to do something, I've gain all this baby weight and I feel like it'll never go away because I don't push myself. Maybe we can push each other to keep going ;)

  3. Thank you both so much! Would love to see you both!
