I'm down in Chandler now and loving the new job and the fact that my financial situation is rapidly improving.
My gym situation is not so much, however. It's been difficult to get in to my routine and I'm struggling with portion control because of family habits with meals. Gotta get that right. I'm trying to help influence them to eat a little healthier but neither of them have a taste for the things I've come to love (fish, black beans, low-fat foods, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES).
I started using
SparkPeople to help me with my nutrition, especially tracking. Getting an idea of what am eating and what the numbers add up to is very helpful. I've snacked less at work the last couple days just knowing that I'll have to add them in and that put me way over on Tuesday. Now I'm trying to figure out how to get
enough healthy calories, fats, and protein in my diet. I didn't think that was going to be a challenge, but I do remember Joe telling me a while ago to keep track of what I was eating.
Speaking of Joe, I do not have a trainer yet here and that's really frustrating. I know I'm not getting very good workouts when I go and I don't like the Awhatukee or Chandler locations much compared to the Flagstaff Anytime Fitness. I miss the trainers and the atmosphere and working out around people my own age. But I also don't want to go to the monstrous gyms they have down here (Mountainside is so big it has its own parking garage and what looks to be valet service). Plus I'm contracted to Anytime and UBF, which is good but a little inconvenient here. The club manager in Awhatukee is really nice and much better than the guy in Flagstaff, but the one in Chandler looks like Joe Pesci's balding 30 year old son on steroids. And doesn't talk to anyone.
I'm feeling frustrated about my fitness and need a kick in the ass to get going again. I'm trying to motivate myself with the upcoming trip to California but even that's on hold right now until I hear from work.
Forgive the long post - I'm bored at work and I needed to get all of this off my chest.